Another Kiss Goodbye
Each week I scoot my chair up to my computer, hover my fingers over the keyboard, and prepare to craft my next blog post. Then I pause. Do I really need to do this? Do I want to go back in time and relive one more moment of loss or another painful goodbye from my childhood?
However, after I finish and post each story on my blog and Facebook, I have amazing conversations with many of you! Reminiscing with old classmates warms my heart in ways I can’t explain. Comments from my American friends surprise me when I find out you relate to many of my experiences even though our circumstances were different.
Before posting the stories, I run them past my mom, and we have a good cry. Mom says, “I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you then, but I’m listening to you now. Keep writing your stories, Debbie. You’re healing and helping others heal.”
After my dad died in November 2015, I found the courage to start documenting some sad memories from my boarding school in Nigeria. Another Kiss Goodbye is the first piece I wrote about my childhood.
My First Video Recording
Last month, my writing mentors helped me brainstorm ways to restructure this story to fit the format for a Guideposts magazine contest. Feeling brave, I consented to record our 45-minute brainstorming session and use it as a training workshop for our memoir group.
Here’s the link where I’m featured as a critique guinea pig. If you don’t have much time, feel free to watch just the first five minutes where I introduce my story.

In the video, you’ll experience the fun I had working with these two multi-published pros, Susy and Marci. Did you get inspiration or insights out of our workshop? Leave your comments below.
I share my stories so others know they’re not alone. Does that message come across? Please tell me what you think!
P.S. If you’re interested in writing your own personal stories, I invite you to join our Everything Memoir private Facebook group. You’ll find great encouragement, inspiration, and education here.
To read more about my childhood, head over to my About page.