Bringing Order to My Life

Bringing Order to My Life

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.  — Psalm 139:16 (NIV)

 Today’s Reading: Psalm 139:1-6

After buying a dozen fresh flowers at the supermarket, I returned home and placed them in a large vase. Some stems were tall and full of blossoms, others short with small buds. I tried to arrange them in an attractive, orderly bouquet but they refused to even out.

A visiting friend noticed the unkempt mass of blooms and easily shaped them into a beautifully balanced arrangement.  With the taller stalks at the back and shorter ones in front, every flower had a perfect place. The task just required someone who knew how to arrange bouquets.

The circumstances in my life sometimes appear haphazard and out of order, like those flowers. I don’t see a purpose for challenges I’m facing. But God who ordained my days has planned each one, and he aligns all my experiences for his purposes. When I look back on difficult seasons of my life, I can now see the reason for the trials he allowed to touch me. Because of that, I’m able to trust him more completely in the present.

Prayer: Father, help me to remember that you rearrange the trials, tribulations, and disorder of my life into something beautiful. Teach me to trust in you even when I don’t yet see the outcome. Amen

When I look back on difficult seasons of my life, I can now see the reason for the trials God allowed to touch me. Share on X

4 thoughts on “Bringing Order to My Life

    1. Carol, You and your family are going through a big trial at this time. I know God will be faithful, but it hurts a mother’s heart to see her child suffer with cancer. You are in my thoughts and prayers often xoxo

  1. Lovely analogy and prayer! Also, when our present arrangements are wilting, we are revived by His Living 💦 water! Blessings! Carol

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