Hannah: Surrendering When God Is Silent

Hannah: Surrendering When God Is Silent

Reading: 1 Samuel 1:1 – 2:11

The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap. 1 Samuel 2: 7,8a (NIV)

For thirty years my parents served as missionaries in Nigeria where they raised five children. When I turned six, I started attending boarding school, only returning home for summer and Christmas vacations. I frequently felt homesick, lonely, and scared. While the other kids played, joked, and laughed boisterously, many times I was so upset I couldn’t even eat. I begged my parents to teach me at home, but that wasn’t an option back then.

Every year, I asked God to rescue me from boarding school, and my mom prayed for a better solution for my education. Yet year after year, I climbed into the single-engine Piper Comanche plane that flew me back to dorm life. I felt like God didn’t hear me.

Has there been a time in your life when you felt desperate? You prayed day and night for the situation, but God didn’t seem to be helping because the trial continued for a long, long time. You may still be battling it. That’s where we find Hannah.

When God is Silent

 Hannah was dearly loved by her husband, Elkanah, but she had one great unfilled longing: a child. Elkanah took a second wife, Peninnah, who bore him many children, but she treated Hannah as an adversary and ridiculed, mocked, and tormented her.

Elkanah comforted Hannah, saying, “Why are you downhearted? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?” He declared that Hannah meant everything to him, with or without children. Additionally, Elkanah was pointing out that although she had good reason to be troubled, did it justify being troubled to this extent? Sorrow isn’t sinful, unless it crowds out contentment or leads us to doubt God’s kindness.

Except for fifth grade and twelfth grade, I lived in a dorm during all my school years. Throughout college, my mom and dad continued to work in Nigeria while I stayed in the States and navigated into adulthood on my own. For decades I struggled with loneliness, confusion, and grief because of the long separations from my parents.

First grade at Kent Academy with my big brother

Although my circumstances were different, this account of Hannah giving her young son to God and sending him to live in the tabernacle, seemed like an example justifying my parents’ decision. I truly felt like God was indifferent to my pain during my difficult school years. In college I rebelled, got into partying, and turned away from my faith.

Hannah, despite all her troubles, didn’t complain, nag, turn bitter, or turn away from God, but allowed her pain to drive her into his heart. She acknowledged God’s sovereignty, even while she expressed her pain. Yes, she prayed for her circumstances to change, but clung to faith in God’s wisdom and goodness.

Sorrow isn’t sinful, unless it crowds out contentment or leads us to doubt God’s kindness. Share on X

Hannah’s Surrender

Hannah finally came to her breaking point. She had persevered through this hardship a long, long time, but the torment by the other wife upset her so much she couldn’t eat.

At the tabernacle, she poured out her heart to God, vowing if he would grant her a son, she would “give him to the Lord for all the days of his life.” Eli the priest blessed her saying, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.” He didn’t promise a child, but Hannah felt heard by God, and that calmed her heart.

The next morning the family worshiped together before returning home. There Hannah gave thanks to God, even before she received her miracle.

Do I believe that God is enough, even without seeing his gifts or his healing? In the problems we’re struggling with today, even if God is silent at the moment, we know he hasn’t forgotten us. Our loving heavenly Father sees us, he cares, and is walking our path with us. Like Hannah, we can let our pain drive us straight into God’s loving arms and trust that he will answer us and give us what is best for us.

Hannah gave thanks to God, even before she received her miracle. Share on X

God’s Provision

When I got engaged to Chris after college, I wrote and asked my parents if they could take a furlough and help with my wedding plans. In a great miracle from God, the mission board created a new position at UC Berkeley for my parents to start up a ministry among the many international students there. My mom and dad left the mission field, returned to the States, and helped me with my wedding.

Later as my three children, Andrew, Heather, and Robby, came along, my parents were right here helping me raise them. Even though God didn’t rescue me from that boarding school, I had not been forgotten. Over the next eighteen years, I experienced my mom and dad lavishing all the love on my kids that I missed out on. My prayers for connection with my parents were answered at long last.

Expect Irritation but Still Honor God

We’ll always have problems. Life won’t be perfect after this present trial is over. Hannah had to give up her son, yet she poured out a remarkable song of praise to God as she left Samuel behind. Even though the separation was undoubtedly difficult, she didn’t regret the vow she’d made.

In her song, she acknowledged God’s holiness, goodness, and wisdom, and applauded the way he governed the world. The insights Hannah expressed show us how thoroughly she had searched the Scriptures and cried out to God for understanding of her situation. She found it. Through suffering, we often experience a deepened connection with our Savior, resulting from countless hours spent calling out to the Lord and combing through the scriptures for his promises.

I can now accept that God allowed the separation, neglect, and grief in my childhood for his good reasons. He didn’t close his eyes or lose attention so that some bad ideas like boarding school slipped through the cracks. He is in complete control of everything that happens and is constantly working to use our suffering for his great eternal purposes. I’ve learned from Hannah’s life that God is always sovereign, even when he seems silent.

Do I believe that God is enough, even without seeing his gifts or his healing? Share on X

8 thoughts on “Hannah: Surrendering When God Is Silent

    1. Hi Chris, thank you so much for your reminder that God draws us to Himself through our suffering. I still have a hard time “expecting irritation”! I do plan to write a memoir, loosely based on these stories on my blog. The memoir will likely include carefully chosen stories to tie into one over-arching theme. I’m not sure what the theme is yet, but it may be on forgiveness. I’m so glad to connect with you!

  1. This article means a lot to me especially now as we are praying for a miracle in the life of our son who has cancer. I read your other memories and relate with much of them. We were only in Egbe a short time, as you know. Then Kagoro. God is our Refuge and Strength and He continues to show His love and faithfulness to us and promises to be with us through every difficult time.

    1. Carol, That is such hard news about your son’s cancer. I will be praying for him, his wife, his kids, and of course for you. Yes God continues to show his love and faithfulness in every difficulty. Sometimes God is even more apparent in the hard times. I will pray that is the case for you! Much love xoxo

  2. Hi Debbie, I think one of the hardest legacies of boarding school is that we didn’t learn how to be parents, since we didn’t have an example of loving parents when we were growing up. At least not for most of the year – the few short months that we spent at home were not enough. I frequently felt lost at sea raising my own kids, with only a dysfunctional upbringing to look back on. It’s so fantastic that your parents were able to be there and help you raise your kids – and that your Mom is reading your blog and commenting! Love it! Elizabeth

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth, for relating your experience with parenting too! Life is filled with so many challenges. I love that we shared so many experiences in our childhood and teen years, and are now paralleling each other in parenting our teens and young adults! Yes, it’s precious that my mom is reading and commenting. I’m so glad you read that! xoxo

  3. Thank you for your beautiful article regarding Hannah and how it helped you understand that God had not forgotten you during your difficult boarding school days. I love knowing that you have forgiven me for sending you to boarding school as you wrote about enjoying and appreciating seeing Dad and me lavish love on your children as we had the opportunity of helping with child care during the years you worked outside your home. Thank you!
    Love, Mom

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