Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk
When I returned to boarding school after a wonderful Christmas holiday, I again felt homesick and out of place. Eating in the large, noisy dining hall was especially distressing.
When I returned to boarding school after a wonderful Christmas holiday, I again felt homesick and out of place. Eating in the large, noisy dining hall was especially distressing.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 (KJV) After dinner, I raced to my bedroom in the second-grade hall of the girls’ dorm, my nerves jangling from the noise of the dining room and the constant commotion of people around me. Yesterday I had to fly here to Kent Academy, all day, I could hardly breathe, because my tummy felt clamped shut with homesickness. Especially at mealtime. At home, I loved sitting at…
O Lord, you know everything about me. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away…and when I rest at home. You place your hand of blessing on my head. (Excerpts from Psalm 139:1-5 NLT) “Welcome back to Kent Academy for second grade,” the Auntie said with a smile. I carefully stepped out of the blue VW van parked on the playground in front of the girls’ dorm in Miango, Nigeria. “Follow me, Debbie, and I’ll show you to your…
As I’ve written my stories and shared them on social media, I’ve connected with many new friends from around the world. Recently I received a message from Dani, who grew up on a ship and in England, and publishes a blog with stories of people who have moved between cultures. Her intent is for people to see that their culture shocks and identity crises are problems a lot of us share. She posted my story on her blog here. I’m…
Over the past year and a half, I’ve written twenty-four of my childhood stories and have enjoyed the feedback from those who read them. Every month I posted the articles on my blog, then uploaded them to several Facebook groups for MKs (missionary kids). One of the groups is Kent Academy, the boarding school in Nigeria where I lived for grades one through nine (except grade five in California). I know most of the 540 members in the group, or…
This summer I’m taking a break from writing to restore my soul. In the meantime I’m re-purposing my daughter’s childhood bedroom into a sanctuary.
At the end of my first year at boarding school I was so excited to go home. I’d made a few friends and learned the ropes but hoped I wouldn’t ever return.
Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering … the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:4,5 (NIV) “In place of our usual devotion time tonight, we have a special speaker,” the Dorm Uncle announced to the eager first-through-third graders gathered in the lounge. After dinner, I had expected our usual Bible reading in the dorm in our pajamas. Instead, we had walked from the dining room, across…
In first grade at boarding school I decided to cheat on a test and hoped I would get sent home. I missed my little brothers and new baby sister.
Photo credit: Rainstorm at Miango Rest Home, Nigeria. Courtesy of Tabitha Plueddemann. You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. (Job 11:18 NIV) The heavy tropical rain beat like a drum on the tin roof of the school building. Its rhythmic ratta-tat-tat soothed my spirit and fed my daydreams while it drowned out all other classroom noise. My first-grade teacher raised her voice. “School is over for the week,…