I Know How It Will End
Hello, Friends,
I’d like to give a warm welcome to my new subscribers. It’s great to have you on the journey with me! I hope you enjoy the stories about my life in Nigeria. Please feel free to respond to my posts directly on the website. Or, you can email me privately and let me know how you’re doing.
This month, it’s taking a little longer to write my next childhood story. In the meantime I’ve written a short devotion I plan to submit to The Upper Room. If you have any feedback to offer, I’d greatly appreciate it.
I Know How It Will End
He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty, I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.” Revelation 21:6 NIV
Daily Reading: Revelation 21:1-7
At a yard sale this summer, I bought a Bible for young children for fifty cents. What a bargain! As I flipped through the heavy cardboard pages depicting twelve short stories with brightly colored pictures, I fell in love with Jesus once again.
In the first story, God made beautiful plants, amazing animals, and special people to be his friends. That’s it. The story doesn’t say, “Then sin entered the world, the garden was ruined, and suffering began.” When reading the first few chapters of Genesis, my enjoyment is always tainted by thinking, but then, look what happened.
The last story in this happy book is about Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and shows how the people loved and honored him by waving palm branches and placing their coats in the road. That’s it. The book doesn’t tell how everyone turned on him and crucified him at the end of the week. When reading the Bible about Palm Sunday, my thoughts usually turn to but then, look what happened.
I want to revel in the joy of God creating this beautiful world simply for you and me to be his friends, instead of remembering it ended badly. I need to soak in the moment of Jesus being honored on earth, even while riding on a humble colt, without thinking, but then, look what happened.
On many days, my journey seems arduous, finances are a struggle, friendships are strained, and healing doesn’t come. But I must remind myself Jesus loves me; he is the Alpha and Omega and will care for me all my life. Because I’ve entrusted my soul to him, I will live with Him eternally.
Of course, I know that sin and suffering aren’t the end of the story. The end is still to come. The world gets renewed. God’s people reunite with Him and live in a loving relationship with Him forever. No more tears. No more toiling on earth. Pain and death will be completely abolished.
We know how it will end!
16 thoughts on “I Know How It Will End”
I love this post! I can picture you flipping through this Bible and processing the parts we don’t yet understand, along with rejoicing in the parts we are convinced are coming. I also love these pictures!
Thank you so much, Robby! I knew you would understand why this meant so much to me!
Jesus is still “fixin things and people” because he loves us like crazy and doesn’t want us to miss out on the amazing things he has for us while we weather through the challenges of our fallen world. I so love all the reminders………..the rainbow, a newborn baby’s cry, a praying mantis, brilliant African Violet blooms……we are loved and engraved on the Father’s hand
I love how you say all that, Joyce! God loves us like crazy and is always “fixin’ things and people.”
Amen! As Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribultation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
This is an important reminder to teach our children about the crucifixion and resurrection, too.
Hi Lauren, that is a good point, that we need to teach our children about the crucifixion and resurrection too!
Yep…I read the end of the Book too!!…..and because of HIM…..we WIN!!🤸♀️🤸♂️
So let not your heart be troubled….. look UP….He’s coming again
Sherry, I love your reminder and your enthusiasm! Because of Him, we win!
lovely devotion
Thank you so much, Dana! I can’t believe I didn’t respond to your comment when you first posted it. I’m just catching up on a month of my life that I missed. I hope you’re doing well xoxo
Amen! He *has* overcome it all. And like an old college friend of mine said when I was moaning about something that seemed very important to me at the time: “Jesus died for that, too.” I didn’t exactly appreciate his bluntness at the time, but as I am always careful to weigh the truth and scriptural soundness of all teaching and counsel, it turned out to be an absolutely solid bit of truth that was powerfully freeing to me – and has continued to be, ever since.
Yes, He has overcome it all! Jesus died for *all* sins. Those we have committed and those others have committed against us. You and I could have a long, healing conversation about this! I went into it in more depth in another blog post which you might have already seen. Love you, Sister! https://debbiejoneswarren.com/a-surprise-experience-of-forgiveness/
WONDERFUL piece! What a powerful ministry sis. I think my mom and I both needed to see this today. Sometimes we just have to have somebody else to remind us of the fact that relationships get strained sometimes, but there is healing, resolution, and *purpose* at the end of it all when our way is committed to the Master Who loves us all— offenders and offendees alike.
I’m so glad that you get where I was coming from! There is so much trouble in this world…but Jesus has overcome it all. I just need to remind myself of that often because life wears us down. I love you, Sister xoxo
Thanks for sharing this post with us. Seems that life has worn ALOT of people down and that there is NO end to the world’s troubles. PTL, GOD has overcome every prob that can be thrown at us via the devil and his agents! May God bless you and others who encourage us to look to HIM for our ultimate comfort / encouragement in these difficult times. David from Chad, Africa
That is so true, David. Thank you so much for sharing, all the way from Chad!